How do I prepare for a Reiki treatment?

If possible, take 10-15 mins before your Reiki session to check in with your body and mind. How do you feel? Take a moment to think about any areas of concern to discuss with your practitioner.

Wear comfortable clothing. You will likely spend the majority of your treatment laying on your back, but you could move to your stomach or side, comfortable clothing will make it easier to change positions.

It’s a good idea to hydrate and have a small snack prior to a session (avoid a large meal right before your session if possible). This will ensure your comfort and help you relax.

What can I expect during a Signature Reiki treatment?

If your treatment is in-person, you will lay on a massage table with pillows, linens, and a light blanket. If you’re treatment is through distance, I would encourage you to lay comfortably in a quiet place away from all distractions, this will help keep your focus on receiving Reiki and your intentions.

During a treatment you may experience physical responses such as, tingling, pulsing, warm or cool, etc. You might find that you’re sleepy or emotional, or you may feel nothing at all. Everyone responds different to Reiki, and it’s all normal.

Please remember The Jubilant Journal is a safe place. I encourage you to do what feels right during your session, this is a judgement-free zone.

What can I expect during a Soul Discovery Reiki session?

While the Reiki treatment will be the same as the Signature offering, the ‘Soul Discovery’ piece is very unique, something you will only receive from The Jubilant Journal.

What can I expect after my Reiki treatment?

Again, everyone responds to Reiki in different ways. You will likely feel relaxed and lighter after a treatment, however it’s a good idea to make time for reflection afterwards, whether it be through meditation, journaling, going for a walk, etc. This will allow you to consider any emotions or physical responses, it will also give you a chance to release anything you are ready to let go of.

Don’t forget to hydrate!

What should I know about the Guided Meditation & Journaling class?

This is an in-person program (max. 8 people per session). It is recommended you bring something comfortable to sit on (i.e. small cushion, yoga mat, folded blanket, etc.) as you will be seated on the floor for the duration of the session.

I also encourage you to bring your own journal and pen, this will allow you to write freely during the session, and reflect back in the days following. Choose a journal that makes you feel good, something you can continue to use on your own. (don’t worry though - I got your back if you forget your journal at home).

Please come to this session with an open mind and an open heart. This is a safe place for people to quiet their minds and feel all the things.

Let’s have fun! This class is designed to help you show up for yourself, whether you experience a breakthrough or just draw smiley faces, it’s all relevant!

What should I know about Virtual Sessions?

Much like the in-person programs, I would encourage you to participate with an open mind and an open heart. Virtual offerings give individuals (whether near or far) the ability to attend, it is my mission to maintain a sense of comfort and community.

Please attend session from a quiet and comfortable location free from distractions. Have your journal and pen handy.

Virtual meeting details will be sent to you via email upon registration.